about me

What do you do when life challenges you?

For me, the answer was to fight back, find new paths, and create a life with meaning and balance...

Several years ago, I hit a wall when I was diagnosed as a chronic pain patient due to accidents and fractures – my nervous system had become sensitized.

The chief doctor at the Pain Clinic gave me a choice: strong medication or mindfulness.

I chose mindfulness, and that became the start of a journey that changed my life.

Over time, I managed to completely leave the treatment system and create a life with much better balance and meaning – and I am no longer a chronic pain patient.

It became my mission to help others navigate life’s challenges.

For me, well-being is about creating balance between what is important. I am Mette first, a mother second, and then comes the rest. If I’m not Mette first, I can’t be the mother I want to be for my boys.

I’ve learned how important it is to prioritize my time and energy. Like many others, I’ve tried to stretch myself too far to meet other people's expectations. I recognize the signs of burnout, and I’ve kissed stress. Twice. But when I truly learned to take leadership over my own life, things changed.

Since 2014, I’ve had 6,000 individual conversations and helped people rise from stress, anxiety, and struggles.

But my vision has grown – I don’t just want to help people find their footing again, I want to give them the tools to fly freely.

That’s why I wrote the stress book, Frøen i gryden, created the online courses Stress hjælp 2.0 and Mini-kursus i angst, made free meditations – and most recently published the book Den døde ligusterhæk about stress factors in our private lifes.

Life will always present challenges.

But with the right tools, the right mindset, and inner leadership, we can go from surviving to living fully

My mission is to help as many people as possible get hold of the good, stress free life. Less won't do.

"Look around and choose your own ground"

(From Breathe, Dark side of the moon, Pink Floyd)

i have an educational background in various fields, including:


  • Cognitive Psychotherapist MPF (Member of the Danish Psychotherapist Association), Wattar Group ApS
  • Certified Cognitive Coach, Mentor & Supervisor, Wattar Group ApS
  • Mindfulness Instructor MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy), trained since 2014 and the later years on a weekly basis, by Saki Santorelli, EdD, the co-founder of Mindfulness
  • Certified Mindfulness 'MBSR in Mind-Body Medicine' (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction), with Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., the founder of Mindfulness
  • Diploma in Developmental and Personality Psychology, University College Lillebælt
  • Diploma in Educational, Vocational, and Career Counseling, University College Lillebælt
  • NADA Acupuncturist, NADA Denmark, as well as Reiki I & II, Paqo and more
  • Teacher, Odense Seminarium

i have a professional background that includes working as:

  • Consultant in a company that collaborates with job centers and psychiatric institutions to assist individuals with mental health diagnoses in reentering the workforce.
  • Supervisor on a Cognitive training program, on a Mindfulness instructor training program, and within a municipal context.
  • Therapist in a nationwide psychology firm with a focus on young individuals.
  • Educational counselor and mentor for particularly vulnerable individuals in a municipal setting.
  • Board member and part of hiring committees in associations and institutions.
  • Responsible for European collaboration projects (Socrates and Comenius), theater director, and teacher of French, Danish, and English.
  • Speaker, on-call teacher, contact person, and travel teacher in a boarding school context.
  • Bartender, bouncer and security personnel, gardener, assistant in pedagogy, hospital porter, chambermaid abroad, and more.

✓ Member of the Danish Psychotherapist association

✓ More than 6.000 individual sessions  

✓ 24+ years experience in professional communication

Mette B.​ Lorenzen


Cognitive Psychotherapist MPF

Mindfulness instructor
