Understanding ruminations and their impact on the mind...
I would like to shed some light on a psychological phenomenon known as ruminations:
A lot of us get stuck in NEGATIVE THOUGHT LOOPS.
Ruminations refer to the repetitive and intrusive thoughts that often revolve around:
- Past experiences
- Worries about the future
- Concerns about our own capabilities
What does rumination mean?
The expression comes from cows:
Cows: "Rumination is a voluntary process, controlled by a cow’s internal environment, to process partially digested feed, known as cud. When a cow ruminates, they will regurgitate their feed, re-chew it and re-swallow it."
That's what we do with our thoughts. We process partially digested thoughts on e.g. past experiences that we might not think we handled the right way, or future possible problems or obstacles that are not here yet (and might never actually come).
Do you chew on your thoughts? (Illustration from my stress book)
Cows: "The rumination is controlled by the reticulorumen, inside the cow, but is also influenced by their physical and social environments."
Exactely like us: Our thoughts are influenced by our inner state - our upbringing, experiences, level of stress, but also by our physical and social environment - the relationships we are in, our work conditions etc.
Cows: “Studies have found that cows will do about 80% of their ruminating whilst lying down.”
So do we: The only time during the day where the 60.000 thoughts that we have every day (yep, actually between 60.000-70.000...) have the time and occation to really get through, is when we lie in bed, lights out and ready to sleep - then they make their move...
Cows: A cow’s diet can significantly impact how much a cow ruminates, depending on the composition and quality of their feed."
For humans, the composition and quality of our "feed" also significantly impact how much we ruminate; Are you satisfied with the direction, your life is in? Are you happy with your job? Do you have people around you that support you? (You might want to read my article on Toxic people).
(I didn't make it up about the cows, it's right here if you want to read it)
What happens when we ruminate?
When we ruminate, we get caught in a cycle of overthinking and dwelling on a particular topic.
Instead of moving forward or finding solutions, we become trapped in a loop of rehashing the same thoughts, often leading to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.
It's like being stuck on a hamster wheel of negative thinking, unable to step off and regain control.
How do we get out of the chewing?
One crucial aspect of managing ruminations is learning how to break free from the cycle.
This involves practicing mindfulness, which basically means being present in the moment: It allows us to observe our thoughts without getting entangled in them.
By doing so, we create distance from the ruminative thoughts, making it easier to assess their validity and consider alternative perspectives.
A tip on how to get out:
Ask yourself: Do my thoughts right now have to do with
- The Past?
- The Present?
- The Future?
Just by asking that question, you have already taken the control back;
Then you can look AT your thought instead of FROM your thoughts.
Then go get at glass of water, open the window, put on music or continue with your work.
Written September 13th 2023
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